Copyright (c) Dustin Nulf and Tom Hazel (Development in Progress) All Rights Reserved {1-9 Enemy death scenes -- must have 9! } His brains seep down his forehead as he grinds his teeth through a sputter of blood. {2} He splits in two onto the ground. His upper half slowly crawls toward you while his lower body paints the earth a darkened red. He ceases to move... {3} His neck snaps back and breaks with a hollow crunch. He falls limp to the ground in a pile of stringy limbs. His head turns over and stares at you with a look of desperation. He stops breathing... {4} He drops in a pool of blood. You are victorious... {5} He drops to the ground and twitches for a few seconds... {6} He stumbles backwards and tries to regain his balance. He stares at you with a dying look. A black film covers his eyes and it falls limp to the ground. He lies still... {7} He quickly collapses to the ground. His veins bulge out of his shrivelling skin as he quickly stiffens... {8} He rips in half as you see his heart beat for the last time... {9} With knuckles growing white from your grip, you viciously rend his body into small twitching bits... {10-14 Your death scenes -- MUST have 5 total} Loops of intestines ooze from your stomach as you fall lifeless the ground. {11} He cuts into you like a pumpkin and starts spooning out the seeds. Your brains slime through his grasp as your body twitches in reflex. {12} His last thrash sends you crashing to the ground. Your pulse stops as he merrily cuts out your liver and swallows it. {13} Never have you had this opportunity to view your own internal organs this well. But then again, they've never been in your hands before. {14} You collapse to the ground as the last few drops of your blood leak out. { end of death scenes }